Grand Bargain Signatories

Published Date


1.    A4EP
2.    ActionAid International
3.    Australia
4.    Belgium
5.    Bulgaria
6.    CAFOD
7.    Canada
8.    CARE International
9.    Catholic Relief Services
10.  Christian Aid
11.  Czech Republic
12.  Danish Church Aid
13.  Danish Refugee Council
14.  Denmark
15.  Estonia
17.  FAO
18.  Feminist Humanitarian Network
19.  Finland
20.  France
21.  Germany
22.  Global Communities
23.  ICRC
24.  ICVA
25.  IFRC
26.  ILO
27.  InterAction
28.  IOM
29.  IRC
30.  Ireland
31.  Islamic Relief
32.  Italy
33.  Japan
34.  LOCAL
35.  Luxembourg
36.  Mercy Corps
37.  Near Network
38.  New Zealand
39.  Norway
40.  NRC
41.  OCHA
42.  OECD
43.  Oxfam
44.  Pan American Development Foundation 
45.  Relief International
46.  Republic of Korea
47.  Save the Children 
48.  SCHR
49.  Slovenia
50.  Spain
51.  Sweden
52.  Switzerland
53.  Syria Relief
54.  The Netherlands
55.  Trócaire
56.  UN Women
57.  UNDP
58.  UNFPA
59.  UNHCR
61.  United Kingdom
62.  United States of America
63.  UNRWA
64.  WFP
65.  WHO
66.  World Bank
67.  World Vision International
68.  ZOA International

Interested to become a Signatory? 

The access to sign up to the Grand Bargain is open every year from November to April, and closed from May to October, due to the specific nature of the process in that period, which includes the self-reporting and Annual Meeting. 

The purpose of the Grand Bargain platform is to foster the implementation of the commitments. By signing up to the Grand Bargain, the Signatories sign all the original 51 commitments (see list here), and commit to their implementation. The progress is monitored annually – Signatories have to submit an annual self-report to communicate their efforts in the implementation of the commitments. Full responsibilities are outlined in Annex I (Standard Operating Procedure). As a Grand Bargain Signatory, you are able to participate at the Grand Bargain meetings (including Annual Meeting), receive all relevant information, and exchange good implementation practices and lessons learnt with other Signatories. 

Organisations that are interested in the Grand Bargain, but unable to commit to the implementation of the commitments, are encouraged to keep informed of the Grand Bargain through the website and official newsletter, and by engaging with the Signatories bilaterally and informally.

Grand Bargain Signatory applicants should fill out the application below, consisting of two parts:

  1. Part one – Purpose: Please indicate the reasons for your institution’s interest becoming a Grand Bargain Signatory. 
  2. Part two – Implementation of commitments: Please indicate any relevant actions you have undertaken to date that relate to the Grand Bargain 2023-2026, especially on focus areas 1 and 2, and outline your plans to further strengthen your institutional efforts to implement the Grand Bargain commitments. 

The Grand Bargain Signatory applicants should submit the application request (below) to the Grand Bargain Secretariat, who will share it with the Facilitation Group for their consideration. Detailed Standard Operating Procedure is outlined in Annex I.