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IASC Checklist for Resident Coordinators and Humanitarian Coordinators on Emergency Preparedness and Response, 2010

Published Date
In any type of humanitarian emergency it is crucial to act fast in order to save lives.  The checklist is a supplement to the handbook for RCs and HCs on Emergency Preparedness and Response. This checklist provides guidance to RCs and HCs who are confronted with any type of humanitarian emergency. It maps out actions to take to prepare and to respond to an emergency.  The checklist is split into two time frames: 1) Actions to take within 24 hours such as alerting OCHA, contacting the government and relevant figures, assessing the capacity of your office, forming an Humanitarian Country Team, coordinating response, ascertaining donor intentions, and accessing and contacting the media. 2) Actions to take within the first week of an emergency such as the possibility for cluster roll out, needs assessments, response planning, coordinating response activities, engaging and advocating with donors, developing Flash Appeals and contacting the government. THIS CHECKLIST HAS NOW BEEN SUPERSEDED