IASC, Matrix on Agency Roles and Responsibilities for Ensuring a Coordinated Multi-Sectoral Fuel Strategy in Humanitarian Settings, 2009

Published Date

The collection, supply and/or use of firewood and alternative energy are multi-sectoral issues, as are the consequences thereof, such as rape, murder, environmental degradation and indoor air pollution. The challenge cannot be effectively addressed by a singularly-mandated agency or cluster acting alone. The goal is to provide a practical tool for determining the priority activities to be undertaken in the development of an effective, multi-sectoral fuel strategy.  

The matrix is targeted to field-based actors from a range of response sectors: camp coordination/camp management, emergency shelter, environment/natural resource management, food/nutrition, health, information/education/communication, livelihoods/development/food security, and protection. It presents the responsibilities for the sector in three phases: 

1) emergency preparedness and contingency planning 

2) acute emergency 

3) protracted crises, transition and durable solutions