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Poster of the matrix of the guidelines - IASC Guidance on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (Spanish)

Published Date

The heads of major international humanitarian agencies, both from United Nations and international and non-governmental organizations met in Rome in 2002, and took steps to collectively express their deep dismay and outrage over the military actions in the occupied Palestinian territory and the impact such actions have on the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

The IASC strongly deplores the restrictions imposed on humanitarian access in the occupied Palestinian territory. The obstructions placed on humanitarian workers have led to unnecessary suffering and, in some cases, death. In particular, the detention of medical workers and ambulances has prevented access to the wounded, in gross violation of basic humanitarian principles. The IASC strongly condemns the disproportionate use of force against civilian populations. The IASC calls for the full respect of international humanitarian law with assurances for the protection of civilians, and insist on the necessity of full freedom of movement of humanitarian workers.