IASC, Field Guidelines for Assessing the Humanitarian Implications of Sanctions, 2004

Published Date

This set of field guidelines is intended to provide guidance to humanitarian practitioners in identifying and measuring possible humanitarian consequences of sanctions. The guidelines, presented here, are relevant to a range of sanctions, including: arms embargoes, financial sanctions, travel-related sanctions and targeted trade sanctions. At the core of the guidelines is a sanctions assessment methodology, which facilitates evaluation of possible humanitarian consequences of sanctions.


The document contains five parts:

1) Part one introduces the objectives, application, and conceptual framework of the field guidelines

2) Part two briefs on the causal modelling, such as types of causes and the chain of causation, inferring cause using criteria of causation. It also includes how to build a causal model

3) Part three present the humanitarian indicators and data sources

4) Part four introduces sanctions assessment methodology, such as undertaking a baseline assessment of humanitarian conditions, assessing humanitarian vulnerability during baseline assessment, methodology for assessing humanitarian implications, how to apply the assessment methodology and humanitarian assessments for particular types of sanctions

5) Part five sets forth standards for humanitarian assessments, such as key elements of humanitarian assessment and how to write a humanitarian assessment report