IASC, Procedural Steps for Developing an Internally Displaced Persons Response Strategy, 2004

Published Date

Based on humanitarian risk analysis and/or early warning assessments, Country Teams and Humanitarian Coordinators (HCs)/Resident Coordinators (RCs) need to be aware of all factors that could potentially lead to displacement or cause a change in an existing crisis of internal displacement. Pursuant to existing policy, all Country Teams in countries experiencing internal displacement should have in place a comprehensive strategic action plan for meeting the protection and assistance needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs).

If this is not yet the case, or if a new displacement situation develops or changes significantly, the strategy proposes to activate the following procedures:

1) HC/RC alerts the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC), who in turn alerts donors and IASC Principals

2) HC/RC ensures consultations with the UNCT, other international organisations, the Red Cross movement, NGOs and organizes, to the extent possible, a joint needs assessment ensuring inter-agency participation

3) HC/RC and agencies develop a strategic action plan to respond to the protection and assistance needs of IDPs

4) HC/RC consults with all agencies to identify which actors on the ground have the expertise and capacity to respond in the ways identified accordingly

5) The HC/RC consults NGOs again at the country level to discuss the strategy and their consultations with headquarters to obtain agreement from agencies on how to fill any gaps

6) If the strategy is adopted, the ERC will share the strategy with the Working Group and seek political and donor support for agencies implementing the plan

7) If the strategy is not adopted, the ERC shares the plan with the IDP Unit and IASC working group and requests that agencies at the headquarters level try and resolve the gaps in response or raise it up to the level of the IASC Principals