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IASC Task Team on Strengthening the Humanitarian-Development Nexus in Protracted Crises: Workplan Stock-Taking Exercise, 2018

Published Date

On 4 October 2018, the HDN TT convened an expanded all-day meeting to specifically focus on the workplan activities. Against the backdrop of the end of the TT’s lifespan (December 2018), this meeting provided a timely opportunity for TT members to take stock of achievements to date, pending actions enabling a conclusion of the ToRs, and the means for ensuring relevant handover. As a contribution to current discussions regarding the restructuring of the IASC subsidiary bodies, this meeting provided the necessary space to discuss possible recommendations to the future body tasked to continue work related to Humanitarian-Development Collaboration. To this end, this document is not a note for the record. Rather it contains brief updates on key TT activities and outlines pending actions necessary to close out those activities. Lastly, this document aims to capture – as suggested thus far – draft recommendations stemming from the substantive discussions related to workplan activities.