Priority Areas of Work for the IASC Results Groups, May-December 2019

Published Date

This note lays out the agreed Priority Areas of Work for the IASC Results Groups covering the period May-December 2019. Please note that the priority areas of action for Results Groups 2 and 5 remain a work in progress.

The IASC Results Groups have been encouraged to be concrete in their deliverables, to focus on activities that will have the most impact on field effectiveness, will support IASC Principals’ with their decisions and/or advocacy efforts, promise the highest return for investment, and are inclusive; ensuring systematic engagement with key relevant IASC and non-IASC inter-agency structures. 

The next step is for the Results Group to agree on: a breakdown of the activities and steps to be taken to achieve the deliverables (where required), a sequencing of the work in order of priority, and the assignment of owners for each of the activities and/or priorities.

As laid out in the OPAG working methods documents, Results Groups will report on the progress of the implementation of these Priority Areas of Work to the OPAG on a quarterly basis as well as during the 2nd OPAG meeting, tentatively planned for November 2019.