Call for existing studies on quality funding or multi-year planning

Published Date

Do you know of any existing studies on quality funding or multi-year planning? Any initiatives in the works? We invite you to share!

Dear Signatories,

During the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting, one of the main topics of discussion was how to address the barriers to increasing quality funding and planning.

For the Enhanced Quality Funding Workstream (WS 7+8), one way to advance this issue is to increase the evidence base on unearmarked funding and multi-year planning and funding.  

In this regard, the Co-conveners of WS 7+8 would like to invite Signatories to kindly share any existing studies on the benefits, cost-savings, and impact of quality funding. Alternatively, we would also be interested in studies that demonstrate the costs incurred as a result of poor quality funding or planning. Any studies shared will be posted to our workstream’s Google Drive folder, which can be accessed here. Our goal is to create a repository of knowledge on quality funding and planning, publicly available to the Grand Bargain community.

Furthermore, if your organization is planning other initiatives related to quality funding and planning, we also invite you to let our workstream know. We are creating a summary sheet of all the quality funding initiatives, available on our Google Drive folder, to inform Signatories on the great work that is being done to help meet the Grand Bargain unearmarked, multi-year funding, and planning commitments.

If you have any studies related to this issue that you would like to share, or initiatives that are being planned, we invite you to kindly send them to Camille Pabalan at

Any information that you send us will be posted to the workstream’s public Google Drive folder unless otherwise stated. Please direct any concerns and questions that you may have to


WS 7+8 Co-conveners