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This subsidiary body completed its mandate on 31 March 2022.

Meeting Record - 6 June 2019

Published Date

Results Group 4 on Humanitarian and Development Collaboration met on 6 June in Geneva/New York to discuss the priority areas of work tasked by the Operational Policy and Advocacy Group (OPAG). Given the tight timeline to report to OPAG in September, the Results Group agreed, as its modalities, to form small group of members with proposed leads to take forward each of the OPAG-agreed priority areas of work. The proposed leads will call for volunteers to participate in the small groups and share with the Results Group co-Chairs and members of RG 4 progress of concrete activities, timelines and engagement with non-IASC bodies during the next meeting planned on 4 July. The Results Group will focus on activities that will have the most impact on field effectiveness and have the highest return on investment.