Pathways to Localisation: for partnership-based humanitarian action

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The cover of the paper, with an image of a man punting a narrow, heavily laden canoe through the shallows.

The ECHO-funded Accelerating Localisation through Partnerships consortium, including Grand Bargain Signatories Christian Aid, CARE, Action Aid, CAFOD and Oxfam released a new paper Pathways to Localisation: A framework towards locally led humanitarian response in partnership-based action. It outlines 8 priority actions for partnership-based humanitarian action, and 5 actions for an enabling environment, for locally-led humanitarian action. The paper is informed by 400 humanitarian agencies – the majority of them local organisations – through research, piloting and the development of National Localisation Frameworks, in Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria and South Sudan.  

The research, learning and findings from the Accelerating Localisation through Partnerships programme informed the development of national localisation frameworks with contributions from local and national actors and other humanitarian stakeholders including international NGOs, UN agencies, donors, Red Cross/Crescent societies, and relevant government authorities.

There are a number of priority actions and areas common across the four frameworks; many of which link closely to existing localisation commitments, frameworks, and indicators which are referenced. While the focus of Accelerating Localisation through Partnerships was partnership-based humanitarian action, the national localisation frameworks have gone beyond this. The key areas included in all four national localisation frameworks are outlined in the paper, along with objectives, priority actions, and potential indicators - please see the paper below.