Moving the localization agenda forward: Recommendations by the Charter for Change

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The Charter for Change held its annual meeting in Copenhagen on 10-11 December 2019 that gathered 31 local/national NGOs from crisis-affected contexts and 25 international NGOs. The meeting produced a communiqué calling on the Grand Bargain Facilitation Group to put localisation as one of the key themes on the agenda for the GB annual meeting in June 2020. The Charter for Change sets out in the communiqué key ideas for moving the GB localisation agenda forward, including:

● A focus on localisation and participation at the 2020 Grand Bargain annual meeting

● Concerted attempts to decentralise multi-stakeholder localisation dialogues from Geneva and Brussels to country level

● Ambitious targets for increasing local and national actor share of Country Based Pooled Funds

● New approaches to compliance, due diligence and risk management to enable locally-led humanitarian action to flourish

● A stronger gender lens across all localisation work, and targeted support to local and national women-led and women’s rights organisations

Please see the full communiqué below.