Workstream 6 (Participation revolution): Ongoing dialogue and workplan implementation - March 2020 update

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Workstream 6 (Participation Revolution) organized two briefings in recent weeks to provide updates on the workstream activities, including progress on implementing the agreed 2019-2020 Workplan:

Aligning donor approaches to accountability to affected people

On February 26, we organized a donor call to explore similarities and alignment of individual donor approaches to Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and identify opportunities for collaboration in supporting collective action in specific humanitarian responses. Colleagues from IASC Results Group (RG) 2 briefed us on their work, including the role of the Results Group in providing advice and guidance on AAP to humanitarian field practitioners.  Among the Results Group’s priority areas of work for 2020 are the development of a Results Tracker, as well as an Accountability Framework and the Global Platform and Service Directory.

Following the RG2 presentation we had an open discussion which demonstrated a strong level of support for, and similarity of approaches to, participation, including similar funding requirements, systems and processes.  The conversation also provided specific examples of where donors are working closely with each other and with partners to adapt and connect programs across a response.  Several participants emphasized the importance of field engagement to ensuring participation was effective and inclusive and highlighted the close connection between AAP and localization. A possible gap in programming and implementation was analysis of how systematically feedback mechanisms are used and the result of feedback incorporated into future programming.  We agreed to continue these donor conversations over the coming year, probably on a quarterly basis.

Priorities for the workstream

The workstream Co-conveners also hosted a full workstream conference call on March 5 at which co-covenors described the priority areas of the workstream and asked participants to share perspectives on how the workplan is supporting their work and how they reported it in their self-reports. Participants highlighted progress in advancing methods of collecting beneficiary feedback at the field level, including new information systems, as well as challenges getting good feedback, convincing affected people of the efficacy of feedback mechanisms, and measuring their accountability performance.

The Co-convenors briefed the group on recent coordination between the Workstream and the IASC Results group and representatives of the RG updated the participants on the work of RG’s results tracker, to gather what is out there and what can we report on this year. They also updated the workstream on the result of the recent donor call (see above) and previewed a planned webinar on 26 March 2020, co-organized with PHAP that will seek to capture effective participation case studies and gather some indicative data from participants that could be used in subsequent discussions. In particular, the workstream is hoping that lots of field practitioners will join the webinar both to share what they are doing and to be inspired by the work of others, in line with the current workplan. Registration link is here.