Workstream 4 (Reduce duplication and management costs): Review of donor assessments - March 2020 Update

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Workstream 4 (Reduce duplication and management costs with periodic functional reviews), co-convened by the Government of Japan and UNHCR, is conducting an Independent Review of Individual Donor Assessments on Humanitarian Operations. Financed by the Government of Japan and carried out by GPPi, the review will map scope and variety of individual donor assessments covering ICRC, UNICEF, UNHCR, OCHA and WFP. The review will also look into the effects of these assessments on partners using selected country case studies. 

This desk-based review will cover the period from 2016 to 2019 and will benefit from the inputs by the Steering Committee which is composed by four donor governments (Canada, DfID, Japan and USA) and four aid organizations (ICRC, InterAction, UNICEF and UNHCR). Preliminary results are expected by the annual meeting at the end of June, with the full report ready by the end of June.