Summary Record, IASC OPAG Meeting, Session III, 4 June 2020

Published Date

The third OPAG session will focus on “stepping up efforts around localization in light of COVID” with the objective to understand how best to leverage new opportunities created in light of the pandemic to speed up localization efforts and how the humanitarian community can adapt its delivery modalities, not only in response to COVID-19, but in all contexts with existing commitments on localization of aid, strengthening partnerships, and operating effectively in an environment impacted by the pandemic. Co-Chairs of Results Group 1 on Operational Response (InterAction, OCHA) will open the session by sharing ongoing work under the umbrella of the Results Group 1, supported by IFRC and UNICEF who co-led the work around the Guidance. kindly note that the third session will be confined to one hour to avoid confliction with the scheduled Principals meeting.