Harmonised and simplified narrative reporting: Signatories using the 8+3 template

Published Date

Under the auspices of workstream 9 (Harmonise and simplify reporting requirements), Co-convenors Germany and ICVA developed and successfully piloted a simplified reporting template (“the 8+3 template”). The 8+3 Template ensures quality reports while enabling humanitarian organisations to spend less time on bureaucracy and more on their core tasks. In March 2021, 15 Grand Bargain Signatories are already either implementing or actively considering using the 8+3 reporting template. Please see the full list below, along with an overview of main benefits of using the 8+3 template.

8+3 template

For further information, contact the Grand Bargain Secretariat.

The more donors adopt the 8+3 template as a standard, the greater the benefit of harmonization, reducing the reporting burden across the humanitarian system.

List of Signatories already using or implementing the 8+3 reporting template:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • France
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • OCHA
  • Switzerland
  • The Netherlands
  • The United Kingdom
  • US Government
  • World Food Programme

List of Signatories actively considering or testing the 8+3 reporting template:

  • ECHO
  • Luxembourg