Multi-Stakeholder Senior Officials Meeting: Advancing Quality Funding Through Grand Bargain 2.0

Published Date

On Wednesday, June 2, 2021, the Grand Bargain Enhanced Quality Funding Workstream (7&8), with the support of the Eminent Person’s Office, the Facilitation Group, and the Grand Bargain Secretariat, convened a closed-door senior-level meeting of key signatories to discuss the advancement of the quality funding agenda, as one of the two enabling priorities in the next iteration of the Grand Bargain.

This senior-level discussion was based on the results of an online survey circulated to all Grand Bargain signatories in advance for their perspectives on how quality funding should be taken forward. The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) was commissioned to independently analyze the survey results and provide a succinct analytical overview and related recommendations1. Participants during the senior-level discussion were asked for their perspectives on the ODI independent recommendations, with a view to determining what is and is not feasible to advance quality funding for the next phase of the Grand Bargain.

Please find below the outcome document from the meeting.