Presentation of the new model on cash coordination

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New cash coordination modelFollowing successful development of a new cash coordination model by the Grand Bargain caucus and endorsement by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), the Global Cash Advisory Group (CAG) was established in June 2022 to support country level cash coordination technically and in terms of capacity, with the overall aim of improving the quality and effectiveness of cash coordination. Since its establishment, the CAG has been working on developing a transition plan for the model to be implemented in the field, taking into account different contexts and operational realities. The plan has now been finalised, and it was agreed that all countries will transition by March 2024 - countries were set in three transition groups:

  • By March 2023 - IASC contexts: Central Africa Republic, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, occupied Palestinian territory, Ukraine, Venezuela. Refugee contexts: Iran, Mauritania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia.
  • By September 2023 - IASC contexts: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Mali, Myanmar, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Yemen. Refugee context:  Bangladesh, Ecuador, Egypt, Jordan, Rwanda, Turkey.
  • By March 2024 - IASC contexts: Cameroon, Chad, Ethiopia, Haiti, Lebanon, Mozambique, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria (Damascus), Syria (Gaziantep), Syria (Regional). Refugee context: Bangladesh (The Bangladesh CWG), Uganda.

More info can be found here.

In line with the Grand Bargain commitments, the new cash coordination model is built on the principle of localisation, enabling more inclusive coordination with greater participation of national and local actors, and helping to ensure decisions regarding cash interventions are made closer and with greater accountability to the crisis-affected people.