IASC Deputies Group Compact on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Focused on Racial Equality and Equity

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Background, scope and purpose

The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) follows the universal principles of respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to race, colour, sex, language, disability, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights. IASC members have worked for decades on ensuring equal rights and eliminating discrimination. Over the past two years, they have doubled efforts to examine and address manifestations of racism and racial discrimination, particularly within their own organizations. The IASC Principals issued a statement outlining their commitment to ensure that human rights principles of equality and non-discrimination are fully realized within the IASC. The IASC developed an AntiRacism and Racial Discrimination Action Plan and the Compilation of IASC Best Practices to Prevent and Address Racism and Racial Discrimination as a means to translate this commitment into action and exchange best practices. This compact on diversity, equity and inclusion serves as an agreement among IASC Deputies to define their commitments to racial equality and equity. By signing this compact, the IASC Deputies agree that they and their organizations will do their utmost to implement the commitments outlined below. The compact builds upon the IASC Principals’ statement on racism and racial discrimination, complements the follow-up discussions by the IASC, and implements the decision of the IASC Deputies Group to “develop and endorse a compact capturing the commitment of the Deputies Group to address diversity, equity and inclusion.” The compact recognizes that the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion are a starting point and establishes the foundation for action to prevent and eliminate racism and racial discrimination within the IASC organizations. It is articulated around the four pillars of leadership, accountability, organizational culture and partnership. It also proposes key indicators to measure progress against the IASC commitments agreed upon in the compact. The compact complements existing initiatives, such as the IASC Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Action Plan and the Compilation of IASC Best Practices to Prevent and Address Racism and Racial Discrimination, as well as the internal efforts of the IASC members. The compact acknowledges that IASC members have varying experiences in dealing with racism and racial discrimination and are at different stages of progress in preventing and eliminating forms of racism and racial discrimination. Likewise, it is also understood that IASC members will follow different paths to meet the commitments articulated in this compact. By agreeing to this compact, IASC members also agree to collectively support and learn from each other throughout this journey.