Updates on risk sharing - February 2023

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Risk sharing updatesIn December 2022, the Netherlands, the ICRC, and InterAction renewed their commitment as co-leads of the Risk Sharing Initiative. Building on the strong evidence gained in 2022 through the Risk Sharing Platform and the report “Risk Sharing in Practice”, co-leads aim to drive the development of a framework to enhance risk acceptance sector-wide through the Platform.

To this end, together with a consultant, co-leads are convening monthly meetings with Platform participants to generate constructive discussions around risk sharing. Two sessions have been held thus far, with the participation of representatives of each constituency (i.e., donors, UN agencies, RCRC Movement, INGOs, and local and national actors). Participants included experts in risk, policy, audit, and programme management. The first session was key to agree with participants on what should be included in the framework’s scope as well as to present a tentative roadmap of the Platform until June 2023. At the second session in February, participants discussed the outlines of the framework, agreed on key principles underpinning it, and defined the most effective methodology to use. Co-leads aim to convene a high-level dialogue on the risk sharing framework at the GB Annual Meeting in June.

Representatives of Signatories who would like to join the Risk Sharing Platform can reach out to Renet van der Waals, Samar Al-Attar, and Lindsay Hamsik .