Donors roundtable on Multi Year Financing models

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Donors roundtableOn 27 September 2022, a roundtable co-organised by DG ECHO, Save the Children and International Rescue Committee on multi-year financing (MYF) models took place virtually.

The roundtable reunited representatives from Danida, DG ECHO, Dutch Relief Alliance, Irish Aid, Sida and several of their NGO partners. The objective was both to increase the mutual understanding and knowledge of the different multi-year partnerships as well as the differences and communalities between them.

The discussion originated a number of interesting suggestions and practices to improve the multi-year financing frameworks and, with that, the efficiency of the funded programmes. Some of these are presented below, with the hope that donors and partners can draw inspiration for their respective models.

For every topic below, the document first briefly summarises the current state of play for the five donors that joined the roundtable. From those practices, a best practice from an NGO perspective is selected.

>> Click here to read the best practices