Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates - August 2023

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The Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates
Latest news from the Grand Bargain | August 2023
Dear Grand Bargain Signatories,

Since the Annual Meeting, where you demonstrated a strong engagement and commitment, the momentum has continued and autumn promises to be action-oriented. We are pleased to share with you the latest update and upcoming plans in this August edition of the newsletter.

Grand Bargain Ambassadors Jemilah Mahmood, Manuel Bessler and Michael Köhler will meet with the Facilitation Group Sherpas in September 2023 to discuss the strategic priorities and deliverables for the coming year. This will also be an opportunity for the local and national actors to meet with the Ambassadors during a dedicated session. 

We have also been pleased to see that the Signatories are proactively acting upon the pledges they’ve made at the Annual Meeting. A group of interested Signatories has started preliminary discussions on anticipatory action. A quartet of co-leads - Germany, OCHA, Save the Children, and WFP - have volunteered to spearhead these efforts.

We looking forward to working with all of you in this exciting new phase of the Grand Bargain journey.

Wishing you pleasant reading, 

The Grand Bargain Secretariat
Latest from the Facilitation Group, caucuses, and other initiatives
Facilitation Group
The Grand Bargain Ambassadors and Facilitation Group will meet on 5 September 2023 in Geneva, which will be followed by outgoing members (A4EP, ECHO, Germany, ICRC, ICVA, OCHA and UNHCR) handing over to the incoming Facilitation Group (ECHO, Germany, IFRC, InterAction, NEAR, OCHA and UNICEF). The main objective will be to define some of the upcoming priorities that will need more political attention, and working on a concrete roadmap. The discussions will be based on the outcomes of the Annual Meeting.

In August and September, A4EP is chairing the Facilitation Group.
Anticipatory Action
The discussion around Anticipation Action will be led by the quartet of co-leads: Germany, OCHA, Save the Children and WFP; with IFRC, FAO, FCDO, IFRC, NEAR and Oxfam also involved in the group. We will provide further information and opportunities to contribute in the coming weeks.

For now, the group is focusing on exploring the added value of the Grand Bargain to scale up anticipatory action, taking into account existing work and efforts by other fora. One of the first steps will be connecting with other stakeholders and mapping the specific issues that prevent advancing the progress and scale up of anticipatory action.
Latest from the Signatories
Tangible shift from paper to practice - Grand Bargain beyond 2023

 A4EP's paper delves into their experience within the Grand Bargain Facilitation Group over the past year and outlines not only their priorities and commitments but also their perspective on the path the Grand Bargain intends to take.

>> Click here to read the paper

Donors roundtable on multi-year financing models

On 27 September 2022, a virtual roundtable co-organised by DG ECHO, Save the Children, and International Rescue Committee discussed multi-year financing (MYF) models. Participants included representatives from Danida, DG ECHO, Dutch Relief Alliance, Irish Aid, Sida, and their NGO partners. The objective was to enhance understanding of various multi-year partnerships and identify opportunities for improvement. The discussions yielded valuable suggestions and practices to enhance multi-year financing frameworks and program efficiency. The document summarises current practices and highlights best practices from an NGO perspective for each topic.

>> Click here to read the paper

Have you read it yet?
The launch of the new iteration of the Grand Bargain was marked with enthusiasm and energy demonstrated by the Signatories at the Annual Meeting. Over 120 Signatory representatives gathered in Geneva for two days on 19 and 20 June 2023 to take stock of progress achieved in implementing the commitments in 2022, and to agree on the operationalisation of the new iteration of the Grand Bargain, endorsed by the Signatories ahead of the Annual Meeting.
Read here the summary of the Annual Meeting 2023.
The Signatories shared the actions and commitments they are undertaking or planning to pursue in the coming months and years to realise the objectives. To ensure regular updates and accountability, a dedicated webpage to document these actions has been created.

Read here the actions and commitments of the Signatories.
The Grand Bargain Secretariat is supported by EU/DG ECHO and hosted by the Norwegian Refugee Council/NORCAP.
Copyright © 2023 The Grand Bargain Secretariat, All rights reserved.

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