A4EP - From surviving to thriving

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A4EP from surviving to thrivingAs a contribution to the Conference on Supporting Local Actors Across the HDP Nexus on 5-6 October 2023 in Copenhagen, A4EP developed a position paper, outlining its perspective and its recommendations.

Alliance for Empowering Partnership (A4EP) is a network of independent and locally grown civil society organisations in the global south and global activists and practitioners advocating to transform aid architecture based on community realities.

"Since becoming a signatory of the Grand Bargain in September 2020, A4EP has always been a strong advocate for a nexus approach and raised concerns when the Nexus workstream was dropped without much consultation. In its seminal paper ‘A Grander Bargain 2030’2 developed to influence the Grand Bargain 2.0. A4EP argued for the need to have a nexus approach by setting up humanitarian goals, aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Sendai Framework Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) and the Paris Agreement. To seek durable solutions for the communities at risk and prevent/mitigate frequent erosion of development gains made through development projects in at-risk communities. A4EP continued its advocacy on the nexus in its most recent paper “A Grander Bargain is No Longer an Option but a Necessity” which was developed to influence the Grand Bargain 3.0 process. A4EP is very pleased that the recommendations influenced the GB 3.0 document."

>> Click here to read the position paper