Meeting Between the Swiss Development Agency and Members of the Localisation of Humanitarian Action Initiative in Yemen

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We are pleased to share with you a publication from the Localisation of Humanitarian Action Initiative in Yemen.

"Representatives of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) met on 3 October 2023 with members of the Localisation of Humanitarian Action and Optimisation of its Response Mechanisms initiative in Yemen to discuss the reality of the humanitarian response in Yemen and to hear the voice of civil society organisations.

Al Suhaily, Founder of Tamdeen Youth Foundation and Coordinator of the Localisation Initiative, explained that the Localisation of Humanitarian Action Initiative in Yemen stemmed from the urgent local need and the relevant international conventions, such as the "Grand Bargain" and the "Charter for Change", to assess and correct the humanitarian response and to reach fair, equitable and transparent partnerships with all.

Lisa Magnollay Karlen, Head of MENA Section, SDC Bern, expressed her great pleasure in this meeting to understand the challenges facing the humanitarian response in Yemen, strengthen partnerships with Yemeni organisations, support the transition from humanitarian action to development, and build the capacity of local actors."

>>Click here to read the full summary of the meeting