A Joint Delegation From SDC and SIDA Visits Tamdeen Youth Foundation and Meets Representatives of Several Local Organisations

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SDC SIDA YemenWe are pleased to share with you a publication from the Tamdeen Youth Foundation in Yemen.

A joint delegation from SIDA and SDC visited Tamdeen Youth Foundation in Aden, Yemen. They discussed Tamdeen Youth Foundation's programs on youth and women empowerment, local development, and climate action. The delegation also met with local organisations to talk about humanitarian efforts transitioning into development. They emphasised the need to recognise local organisations' roles and to foster fair partnerships with international entities for an efficient humanitarian response. 

The delegates expressed their commitment to working with local actors for sustainable development in Yemen. They highlighted the importance of donor support for TYF's Localisation of Humanitarian Action Initiative and stressed the need for participatory planning and coordination among various stakeholders.

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