From commitment to action: Signatories' best practices of implementation

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This page showcases best practices of Signatories implementing the Grand Bargain commitments and hope these will serve as an inspiration. Do you know of a good practice that could inspire other Signatories? Let us know at;

The best practices are grouped by focus area.


Implementing localisation: incentivise progress with KPIs
Signatory: Catholic Relief Services
Area: Localisation

As of 2020, as part of their localisation efforts, CRS developed key performance indicators collected on an annual basis related to the total value (USD) directly secured by local partners from donors/government due to significant contributions by CRS, and to contributions to capacity strengthening of local partners. In 2022, 126 examples were reported by 26 countries, where local partner capacity was strengthened as a result of significant contributions by CRS, and $116.515M of direct funding to local partners was reported by 28 countries. These cases are not project based but often outside the project cycle or at the initiative level. These KPIs are tracked using an internal annual reporting system. CRS country programs complete online forms per the guidelines on the definitions and data criteria and then information provided is collated into a global dashboard with data disaggregation. CRS applies an opt-in process, i.e. country programs are not required to report on the local leadership KPIs but are something they denote interest and ability to report to each year.

For more information regarding the KPIs, please contact Amanda Schweitzer, Technical Advisor III for Local Humanitarian Partnerships and Capacity Sharing at CRS ( 

Quality Funding

Quality funding to an NGO alliance facilitate swifter response, as well as funding for local actors 
Signatory: The Netherlands
Area: Quality Funding/Localisation

Through an innovative Joint Response model, the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) is able to receive reliable, multi-year, and adaptable funding from the government of the Netherlands, and channel 35% of it to local and national actors. According to the catalogue of quality funding practices to the humanitarian conducted by DI and NRC, this funding for the DRA is a multi-year agreement, that can be allocated to any type of humanitarian crisis, allowing flexibility and swift response. The areas of programming are defined by the NGO alliance with some consultation with the government, with reference to HRPs and assessment of need. Through the DRA, the government of the Netherlands also supported capacity strengthening of local and national actors, for example through the Humanitarian Leadership Academy in Yemen, strengthening the capacity of 39 local Yemeni organisations.


Ensuring that affected people influence decisions
Signatory: UNHCR
Area: Participation

UNHCR invests in engagement and partnership with organisations led by displaced and stateless people as active contributors to the response and works with them to address the barriers to their full and equal participation. To address the latter, UNHCR established an inter-divisional task teamwhich developed a framework to support engagement with organisations led by displaced and stateless persons. Some achievements are a definition of "Refugee-led Organization (RLO)," a partnership tool to channel small grants to RLOs/Community Based Organisations (CBOs),RLO Innovation fund, and guidance on inclusion of local organisations in coordination structures, amongst others. In view of UNHCR’s commitment to ensure its global policies and processes are informed by the views of people targeted by these policies, in 2022 after a fair and transparent call for application, UNHCR established its first global Advisory Board of organisations-led by displaced and stateless persons from all regions and across Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) characteristics. Prior to that, from 2020 to 2022, UNHCR's Task Team worked closely with an Interim Advisory Group of organizations led by displaced and stateless persons that provided valuable advice and co-developed some of the Task Team's deliverables. Refugee advisory bodies are being replicated in other divisions of UNHCR such as the Statelessness Unit, Refugee Advisory Group (RAG) to the Consultations on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways (CRCP), and at field level, like in Malaysia and Bulgaria.