Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates - October 2023

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The Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates
Latest news from the Grand Bargain | October 2023
Dear Grand Bargain Signatories,

In this autumn edition, we are pleased to highlight the productive discussions and actions of the past two months as the Grand Bargain is preparing its 2024 agenda. As part of this preparation, the Grand Bargain Ambassadors convened in September with the Facilitation Group Sherpas, and held meetings with various stakeholders, including ERC Martin Griffiths, the IASC OPAG, local and national actors through Charter4Change, workstream 2 and 6 Co-convenors, and others, yielding fruitful engagements. For more detailed updates on those engagements, we invite you to look at our Biweekly Updates here.

We look forward to presenting some of the plans, and hear from you on how you have been implementing the commitments and actions you proposed at the Annual Meeting, at the Virtual Meeting for Signatory Sherpas on 17 November 2023.

Before diving into the updates, we would like to thank you for having participated in the communications and advocacy survey. Your suggestions and insights will help us refine the communication strategy, aligning it with the 2023-2026 framework, and improving its efficacy.

Wishing you a pleasant reading,
The Grand Bargain Secretariat

Implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments in 2022
Latest from the Ambassadors, Facilitation Group, caucuses, and other initiatives
Ambassadors and the Facilitation Group
During the meeting between the Grand Bargain Ambassadors and the Facilitation Group Sherpas in September 2023, they agreed that we need to achieve meaningful collective progress in the next three years, coupled with sustained individual efforts towards the implementation of the commitments. In line with this objective, a timeline of priority actions has been developed by the Facilitation Group to guide the upcoming months and drive the Signatories to proactively engage and take necessary steps.

Read here the summary note from the meeting and the timeline and action points
IASC-Grand Bargain collaboration
During the IASC OPAG meeting on 17 October, the Grand Bargain Ambassadors engaged in a session focused on the collaboration between the two entities. Recognising the comparative advantages of each institution, discussions revolved around identifying joint actions for 2023-2024, particularly in the areas of nexus, localisation, and participation revolution.

The IASC OPAG Co-Chairs, the Grand Bargain Secretariat and the IASC Secretariat will propose concrete actions for a joint course, based on the outcomes of the discussion. Further information will be shared to the Signatories in the upcoming weeks.
Anticipatory Action
Led by the Anticipation Hub, a session focused on Anchoring Anticipatory Action in the Grand Bargain took place at the Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action, with the support of the co-leads of the Grand Bargain interest group on Anticipatory Action (AA), WFP and Germany, and the Grand Bargain Secretariat. The session began with the Secretariat providing an overview of the Grand Bargain process and its achievements and Germany presenting the rationale for including anticipatory action in the Grand Bargain.
Anticipation Hub presented a background paper that outlines the barriers and challenges in advancing anticipatory action and how the Grand Bargain can contribute to addressing them. Participants discussed the challenges and the inputs will be used to refine the document, to develop a problem statement that the Grand Bargain will aim to resolve.

The interest group will take some time to carefully consider the feedback before reconvening to finalise the document.

Read the summary note of the session
Latest from the Signatories and partners
Due diligence passporting - a possible solution to a locally-identified challenge

A group of seven international NGOs (CAFOD, Christian Aid, CRS, Kerk in Actie, SCIAF, Trócaire, and Tearfund) joined forces to develop a harmonised due diligence tool, called a "passporting tool." 

This tool took into account prior work around improved due diligence, including CHS Alliance’s and HQAI’s efforts to promote discussions about due diligence passporting and the Start Network’s experiments in tiered approaches to due diligence. They worked with Humentum for a year to create this tool. 

>> Click here to read the paper
Meeting between the Swiss Development Agency and members of the Localisation of Humanitarian Action Initiative in Yemen 

Representatives of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) met on 3 October 2023 with members of the Localisation of Humanitarian Action and Optimisation of its Response Mechanisms initiative in Yemen to discuss the reality of the humanitarian response in Yemen and to hear the voice of civil society organisations. 

>> Click here to read the summary note of the meeting

Data transparency is key to unlocking a successful Grand Bargain 3.0

In this blogpost, Development Initiative explains how better data transparency is key to the Grand Bargain success, achieving greater accountability and ensuring that progress is made on the original commitments and new initiatives

>> Click here to read the blogpost
Have you read it yet?
We invite you to share our newest 1-pager with your colleagues and country offices. The 1-pager outlines the role of the Grand Bargain in making the humanitarian sector more effective and efficient.

The Grand Bargain Secretariat is supported by EU/DG ECHO and hosted by the Norwegian Refugee Council/NORCAP.
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