Realising our commitment to Accountability to Affected People (AAP)

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Accountability to Affected People (AAP) is central to principled humanitarian action, and key for protecting and restoring human dignity and ensuring an appropriate and effective humanitarian response. Our accountability to people affected by crisis is paramount and must be acted upon at all times.
In 2022 the IASC Principals reaffirmed their commitment to AAP, confirming their pledge to operationalise the required shifts to ensure that we are collectively more accountable to the people we serve. This includes ensuring that Resident and Humanitarian Coordinators (RCs/HCs) and Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs)/UN Country Teams (UNCTs) prioritise their collective accountability to people in crisis and that AAP becomes a key metric for their performance. The IASC Standard Terms of Reference for Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs) and HCT compact makes clear that in-country humanitarian leadership be held to account for how people are engaged throughout an overall response.