Driving Policy Change - Update on FCDO Donor Dialogue on Localisation process and follow-up

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Update on FCDO Donor Dialogue on Localisation process and follow-up

Between early 2023 and September 2023, CAFOD, British Red Cross and FCDO partnered to plan and implement an FCDO Donor Dialogue on Locally Led Humanitarian Action, which has resulted in the publication of a report this year summarising key recommendations available to download (see below). 

The purpose of the Dialogue was to inform and inspire wider and longer-term changes in policy and practice by FCDO at global and country levels. To best identify both challenges and opportunities to making change, the Dialogue identified three country contexts and facilitated a dialogue that brought together both headquarters and country-level decision-makers both from FCDO staff, and from FCDO’s implementing partner INGOs, national NGOs and wider networks of national/local actors in each context. The three contexts were Ukraine, Myanmar and North West Syria. From across the three contexts, a careful process was undertaken to identify and make space for diverse national/local actor networks; including representatives from both the main national humanitarian NGO networks, as well as networks representing women’s rights, LGBT and disabled persons organisations. An independent survey on three themes was commissioned in the three priority contexts; implemented by the Overseas Development Institute. The themes were: quality of partnership, local leadership in coordination, and access of local actors to quality funding. FCDO staff from headquarters level responsible for issues relating to compliance, risk management, funding to multilateral agencies and funding to NGOs participated. Global localisation networks such as Charter4Change, NEAR and the Feminist Humanitarian Network participated. A report from the Dialogue, as well as a summary of the ODI research, is available.

 Click here to read the FCDO Donor Dialogue Report
Click here to read the ODI research summary for FCDO Donor Dialogue