Overview of Topics Covered in IASC Weekly Meetings in 2010

Published Date
  • Briefing on Yemen
  • Internal Displacement in Armed Conflict 
  • The AU Summit and the IDP/Refugee Convention
  • Update on the Work of the IASC Task Force on Meeting Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Areas (MHCUA)
  • The Role of UNDAC in Support of the Humanitarian Coordination in New Emergencies 
  • Developing a Gender Marker for Humanitarian Funding Appeals
  • Combating Gender Based Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • A Humanitarian Snapshot from the Cote d'Ivoire
  • Update of the Global Humanitarian Assistance Report
  • The Sphere Project – An Update on the Revision Process and a Way Forward
  • Building the Capacity of Youth and Volunteers in Disaster Preparedness and Response
  • Presentation of the Early Warning-Early Action Quarterly Report for March-June 2010
  • Briefing on the Health Sector in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  • ALNAP briefing: The State of the Humanitarian System
  • Presentation by the ICRC on 'Restoring Family Links'
  • Briefing by the IASC Secretariat on the last IASC Principals Meeting and the 76th IASC Working Group Meeting
  • Briefing on the Humanitarian Situation in Iraq
  • EthicalCargo Project - Supporting Conflict-sensitive Logistics and Ethical Transportation Programs
  • Briefing by Dr Eric Laroche on his recent visit to Afghanistan
  • Briefing by Dr Daniel Lopez Acuna on maternal health in Afghanistan
  • Corruption in Humanitarian Operations:  A Strategy for Prevention
  • Briefing on the Humanitarian Situation in Myanmar
  • Briefing on the Humanitarian Situation of Women and Children in Iraq
  • Briefing by Maxwell Kerley, Director United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)
  • Humanitarian Navigation Initiative - Asset Tracking Solutions for Operational Agencies
  • What Civil-Military Coordination strategy for Afghanistan?
  • NGO’s New Security Challenges in Afghanistan
  • Cooperation between Non-State Humanitarian Relief Providers and the Private Sector
  • Climate Change and the Humanitarian Challenge in Urban Areas
  • Findings of the Inter-Cluster Support Mission to Nepal (July 2010)
  • Implications of the outcome of the global meeting of the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group
  • The humanitarian response in Pakistan: briefing by Simon Lawry-White on his deployment to Pakistan
  • Current situation in the Horn of Africa
  • Analysis of Somali pirates attacks
  • OCHA briefing (Geneva) on the humanitarian situation in the DRC
  • Floods in Benin: initial mission findings
  • Food Security Analysis and Needs Assessments in Partnership – Keeping it Timely, Relevant and Manageable
  • Integrating cross-cutting issues in the work of clusters - lessons from the Global Protection Cluster
  • Humanitarian Preparedness and Response in Latin America and the Caribbean - Possibilities for Strengthened Collaboration between the Regional and the Global Level
  • Current priority interventions of the humanitarian community in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)
  • Improving communication with disaster-affected communities
  • WHO briefing on Cholera in Haiti

Additional details are available in the attached MS Word file.