Overview of Topics Covered in IASC Weekly Meetings in 2007

Published Date
  • Uganda - information-sharing and inter-agency briefings for the newly appointed Humanitarian Coordinator
  • IASC Principals Meeting and IASC Work Plan for 2007
  • Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) - Update and Latest Developments
  • Somalia - Update on the Humanitarian Situation
  • Somalia - IRIN Movie Somalia: a State of Need
  • Women’s Commission’s Fuel & Firewood Initiative
  • Central African Republic (mission’s debriefing) 
  • Guinea - Human Rights situation (mission’s debriefing) 
  • Sudan - update on the humanitarian situation 
  • Mozambique - Debriefing on the Humanitarian Situation
  • Briefing on the Outcomes of the 67th Working Group Meeting, 19-21 March 2007, Versoix (Geneva)
  • Zimbabwe - Update on the humanitarian situation
  • Iraq - Debriefing on the humanitarian situation
  • Central African Republic - Briefing on the current situation of women and children
  • Iraq - Briefing on the Iraq Conference, 17-18 April 2007, Geneva
  • Madagascar - Debriefing on the Humanitarian Situation 
  • Mozambique - Presentation of the Inter-Agency Real Time Evaluation of the Response to the February 2007 Floods and Cyclone in Mozambique
  • Briefing on the humanitarian situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
  • Iraq, Jordan and Syria - Update on the Situation of Iraqi Children
  • Lebanon - Briefing on the Humanitarian Situation
  • Briefing on the Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings
  • Update on the Outcomes of the 68th IASC Working Group Meeting, 13-15 June 2007
  • Somalia - The Humanitarian Situation from a Health Perspective
  • Somalia - An Update on the Humanitarian Situation
  • Sudan - Briefing on UNEP's Post-Conflict Environmental
  • Update on the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction and CADRI
  • Chad - Briefing on the Humanitarian Situation
  • Chad - Update on the Humanitarian Situation from a Health Perspective
  • Zimbabwe - OCHA Support to the Contingency Planning Process 
  • OPT - An Update on the Humanitarian Situation
  • Sudan - An Update on the Humanitarian Situation in the Context of the Recent Floods
  • Chad - Debriefing on the Humanitarian Situation
  • Cote d'Ivoire - Briefing on the Situation of IDPs
  • South Asia - Briefing on the Humanitarian Situation in Context of the Recent Floods
  • Briefing on Corruption Risks in Humanitarian Assistance
  • Ethiopia- humanitarian situation in the Somali region (Ogaden) in Ethiopia.
  • Sri Lanka - Briefing on the Human Rights Situation
  • Global Symposium+5 that will take place 22-26 October 2007.
  • Debriefing on OCHA/DPSS workshop in Nairobi 29-31 August 2007
  • Safety of Journalists in Humanitarian Settings
  • Africa - Joint IFRC-OCHA Briefing on the African Floods
  • Review of UNOSAT Rapid Mapping Support Services in 2007
  • Gender in Humanitarian Action
  • Briefing on the OCHA-WHO Mission to Chad to Support the Integration of HIV into the Humanitarian Response
  • Debriefing on the RSG on Human Rights of IDPs, Prof. Kälin's, Working Visit to Afghanistan
  • Afghanistan: Losing Hope - Women in Afghanistan
  • Debriefing on the Round Table Discussions on CAR & Niger in Brussels
  • Briefing on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
  • Update on the Outcomes of the 69th IASC Working Group Meeting, 5-7 November 2007
  • Debriefing on the UNDP Contingency Planning Mission to Darfur in September-October 2007
  • Update on the Work of the Sub-Working Group on Preparedness and Contingency Planning
  • Bangladesh - Briefing on the Current Humanitarian Situation Following the CIDR Cyclone
  • Briefing on the High Commissioner for Refugees' Dialogue on Protection Challenges on 11-12 December 2007
  • Debriefing on the IASC Workshop on the Gender Guidelines in CAR, 29-31 October 2007
  • Introduction of the French Version of the Self-study on Civil-Military Guidelines in Multidimensional Peace Missions
  • Debriefing on the Regional Emergency Preparedness and Response Workshop in Johannesburg, 5-7 December 2007
  • Debriefing on the IASC Principals and Ad Hoc Working Group Meetings in Geneva, 10 and 11December 2007

Additional details are available in the attached PDF file.