IASC Consolidated Appeal Process Guidelines, 1994

Published Date

To strengthen coordinated humanitarian response and to convince donors to give generously and according to needs and priorities, the humanitarian community develops a Consolidated Appeal (CAP) to respond to a specific crisis. A consolidated appeal document is produced once a year for major on-going emergencies. Flash Appeals are usually issued in response to new crises. The CAP, more than a mere fundraising tool, touches on the whole programme cycle of humanitarian action: needs assessment and analysis, joint planning and strategy, resource mobilization and allocation, monitoring, and evaluation.

The guidelines are for humanitarian partners participating in the CAP and consist of four parts:
1) The first part introduces consolidated appeal guidelines
2) The second part briefs on assumptions and definitions in the consolidated appeal guidelines
3) The third part outlines the five main stages of the CAP: pre-disaster planning, assessment of needs, strategic planning, appeal formulation and post appeal activities
4) The fourth part provides the principles of prioritization in the consolidated appeal process