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IASC Early Warning - Early Action Report 4th Quarter 2005

Published Date
Dear Colleagues, The Early Warning – Early Action Report is presented to the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) as a tool to foster enhanced inter-agency early warning and preparedness to meet the demands of potentially new humanitarian crises or dramatic changes in existing ones. The report is aimed explicitly at highlighting those crises for which additional inter-agency action is deemed necessary within the coming 0-6 months timeframe based on assessments and judgments provided by staff of IASC member agencies at field and HQ levels. The present issue of the Early Warning – Early Action Report includes: (a) a ‘Highlights’ section (presented below) identifying global emergencies/ situations of concern, and (b) a ‘Summary’ sheet (page 2) providing a snapshot of countries/ situations of concern, hazard type, and trends. Also attached is a new element, namely a checklist of ‘Minimum Preparedness Actions’ to directly link situations/ countries of concern to actual preparedness actions on the ground (an explanatory/ accompanying note to the ‘Minimum Preparedness Actions’ will be circulated separately). Please visit the page of the Sub-Working Group on Preparedness and Contingency Planning to view the report (Log in required). Yours sincerely, The IASC Sub-Working Group on Preparedness and Contingency Planning