Spaces: Updating Descriptions

Published Date

Spaces are used to cluster documents, meetings, and news. Each space has its own "home" page.

Editing Space Descriptions

To edit the description which appears on this page, click the button labelled "Edit" in the top right corner of the page.

Replacing Responsiblities Field

On the old website, the "Responsibilities" text was stored in its own field. Phase2 migrated the data and preserved this separation; however, during the review period it was requested that more visual control be available for this field. The resolution is to move the text from the Responsibilities field into the Description field so that it can be controlled as a single unit of text. This is accomplished by completing the following steps:

  1. Copy all of the text from the field Responsibilities.
  2. Paste all of the copied text into the field Description (located near the top of the editing form).
  3. Delete all of the text from the field Responsiblities so that it does not appear twice.
  4. Format the new text in the Description field as desired.

More Information

Additional documentation about using Spaces in Open Atrium is available from the Open Atrium online guide.