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Review of the Potential for Assessed Funding for CERF

Published Date

In a context of increasing humanitarian needs, CERF must ensure that it remains fit for purpose. The fund must continue to provide aid agencies with timely, reliable, and adequate funding for life-saving humanitarian action.

In this context, and encouraged by some of CERF’s strongest supporters in the donor community and among aid agencies, OCHA commissioned two studies to explore how CERF may expand or adapt to reflect a changing humanitarian reality. The two studies explored different aspects of a possible update of the fund. The ‘strategic study’ examined whether CERF should increase its funding target. The ‘contributions study’ reviewed the possibility of using assessed contributions to the UN for an expanded CERF. The studies were conducted by independent humanitarian experts: Barnaby Willitts-King with support from Glyn Taylor for the strategic study, Ed Tsui for the contributions study.The reports present the findings and conclusions of the consultants and are intended to be think-pieces to inform further consultations and research.