Priority Areas of Work of the OPAG Task Forces, 2022-2023
This document presents the priority areas of work for the newly established Task Forces (covering the 2022-2023 biennium) as informed by the IASC Principals endorsed strategic priorities and as approved by the Operational Policy and Advocacy Group (OPAG). Leaving no one behind (including women and girls, persons with disability, elderly) is central to humanitarian action and will be prioritized in all aspects of the IASC’s work. Please refer to the Task Force terms of reference for further information regarding the functioning of the groups. The implementation of these priority areas of work will require strengthened and streamlined engagement (a) with the field, including field leadership as well as local actors in support of localization efforts, (b) amongst Task Forces, (c) with relevant IASC structures (including the EDG, Deputies Group, GCCG, and others), (d) with ongoing initiatives/processes including the Grand Bargain, amongst others. As agreed by the OPAG, advocacy will be a critical pillar of the work of the Task Forces. Furthermore, due consideration will be given to limit the production of additional guidance/policies, with the understanding that the focus of this this biennium period is to better support the field and working towards operational impact.
Note: new priorities may be added based on requests from the IASC Principals or Deputies Group.