Summary Record, IASC Operational Policy and Advocacy Group (OPAG) meeting, 7-8 November 2019

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The Operational Policy and Advocacy Group (OPAG) of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) held its second meeting hosted by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) on 7 and 8 November 2019 in Geneva.1 The primary objective of the meeting was to examine progress made by the IASC Results Groups on the OPAG-agreed priority areas of work in 2019, and agree on their proposed priorities for 2020.

The meeting was also an opportunity to hear from Ms. Najat Rochdi, Director of the P2P Project, and discuss key systemic issues for consideration by the OPAG and the IASC, building on an overview of findings and recommendations of recent Operational Peer Reviews (OPRs). Ms. Rachel Scott of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) also joined the meeting to discuss concrete and practical opportunities and risks in the implementation of the humanitarian-development-peace collaboration in crises settings and in contexts where humanitarian and development action and/or funding is constrained. A brief session to discuss the status of the IASC Associated Entities and parameters with regards to their accountability to the OPAG was also included.

In welcoming the OPAG Members, the OPAG co-Chairs, Ms. Valerie Guarnieri and Mr. Geir Olav Lisle, expressed a special welcome to the newly nominated representatives of local non-governmental organizations, namely, Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury from the Coastal Association for Social Transformation Trust (COAST), Mr. Azmat Khan from the Foundation for Rural Development (FRD), and Ms. Fiona Gall from the Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development (ACBAR).