IOM Operations on Internal Displacement, 2017

Published Date

This document provides practical examples of ongoing or recent activities of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) related to internal displacement. 1 In line with the internationally recognized Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (1998), IOM’s operational objectives are to: a) Bolster preparedness, resilience-building and address the root causes of displacement; b) Provide protection and assistance through timely and effective humanitarian responses; and c) Support and pursue durable solutions and sustainable recovery. Over the years, undertaking activities to fulfil these objectives has represented the largest share of IOM’s work on the mobility dimensions of crisis. In 2015 alone, IOM operations reached 23 million people, the majority being internally displaced persons (IDPs) or in communities affected by—or at risk of—internal displacement, in 67 countries.

The examples provided in this document include activities in 50 contexts with operations ongoing up until September 2016 (or recently completed) related to internal displacement. The purpose is to illustrate the scope of IOM’s global coverage as well as the diversity of activities in varied contexts— from emergency responses to slow onset disaster and climate adaptation contexts. Given the extent of IOM engagement on this issue, the assembled cases do not cover the full gamut of IOM experience relevant to internal displacement: operations may have ceased prior to the limited scope of this exercise, countries may have benefited from regional programming, or activities such as Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), resilience-building and addressing root causes are pre-emptive of internal displacement occurring or may also be incorporated in broader programming not exclusive to internal displacement.