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IASC Early Waring Report June - November 2014

Published Date

As an IASC early warning tool, the primary purpose of this report is to provide early warning, backed by evidence/rationale, of high risk/high impact/higher probability situations. The management of the IASC Task Team on Preparedness and Resilience (TTPR) uses the report to inform recommendations for early action at country, regional and global level. The report highlights the eleven most serious risks, i.e. highest combined probability and impact, identified by the TTPR Analysts Group, not noted as already being high awareness. Also noted are a number of on-going risks for which awareness is already high, and a list of risks that have lower perceived probability of impact but will still be regularly monitored by members of the IASC. This includes situations where trends indicate potential for high risk of systemic and serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. This report is produced bi-annually as an inter-agency effort by the TTPR for IASC member agencies. In addition to collaboratively assembling the report the TTPR works to improve collective efforts of the humanitarian system particularly in the fields of early warning and early action.