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Review of the Impact of UN Integration on Humanitarian Action, 2015

Published Date

At the direction of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Principals, the IASC Task Team on Revitalizing Principled Humanitarian Action conducted a review of the impact of United Nations (UN) integration on humanitarian action. The review covered all applicable 18 integrated settings—defined as settings where a UN Country Team (UNCT) coexists with a UN peacekeeping operation (PKO) or special political mission (SPM).

This report documents the entire spectrum of experiences that humanitarian actors raised in the course of this review as far as they relate to UN integration, but it does not explore broader concerns regarding the functioning of humanitarian action. While the recorded views do not necessarily represent the positions of the Task Team members or individual agencies, they do reflect the experiences, observations, and concerns of a wide range of humanitarian personnel across integrated settings. In particular, the review looked at implementation of the UN Integrated Assessment and Planning (IAP) Policy.