Case Study: New Document

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A new downloadable file needs to be shared with members of the public, donors, or IASC community. The following steps need to be completed in order to create a document which can be shared with others. In order to complete these steps, you will need to have permission to create and edit document nodes in the relevant Space.

Once a document has been uploaded, it can be referenced by other content types, such as Meetings.

Document Types

There are six types of documents. Selecting a document type will alter the fields available on the editing screen.

  • Document. Typically an MS Word file, or PDF, with no special attributes.
  • Product. Typically a polished document which has been created with graphics, often translated. Additional information about creating Product is available separately.
  • Meeting Agenda.
  • Meeting Minutes.
  • Terms of Reference.
  • Work Plans and Progress Reports.

If you're not sure which is the most appropriate document type, leave this field set to "Document", unless you are making a web page like this one, in which case leaving the type as "none" is more appropriate.

Document Details

  1. Navigate to the section where you would like to add a new document. Click the button "Add a document". If this button is not present, you can create a new document by navigating directly to the relevant form: You will need to adjust the access settings if you use the direct link (more details on this later).
  2. Select the appropriate document type for the file you are uploading (see above for a description of the different types of documents).
  3. Add a description for the document to entice people to download the file. This may include the introductory paragraph from the document, for information about the document and why someone may want to read it. Adding this description helps people to know if they want to download the document, saving them an extra step if it was not the document they were looking for.
  4. If you have set the document type to "Product", you should locate the heading "Product Category", and select an appropriate category from the available options. This will automatically place the product into the relevant section of the public website.
  5. Locate the heading "Files". Below this heading, click on the button "Browse". A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to select a file from your computer. This process will vary slightly for different operating systems.
  6. If you are uploading a Product, you may optionally enter a screenshot of the cover of the document. Locate the field "Product Thumbnail", click the button "Browse" below this heading. A pop-up window will open. Click the button "choose file" and select a thumbnail image from your computer. You do not need to resize the picture. The website will do this for you.
  7. Confirm the access settings for the document (see the detailed notes in the section Access Details).
  8. Locate and click on the button "Publish" to complete uploading your file.

The document is now available on the website.

Access Details

  1. On the Document editing screen, locate the fieldset labeled "Access". Click on the link to open the fieldset.
  2. Under the heading "Authoring Bodies", update the field "Your groups" to match the Space where you want the document to appear. (For example: IASC Transformative Agenda; or Principals) This should already be set if you navigated to the section where you wanted to create the document.
  3. To set the privacy level for this document, locate the field "Section", and change the dropdown menu to one of: Documents (Public), Documents (IASC), or Documents (Donor). If these sections are not available, they have not been created yet for your Space. This will need to be completed first. 

Notifying People About a New Document

Email notifications are not completed through the website at this time, if you would like people to be notified by email, you will need to contact them separately.