Featured Announcements

Published Date

About Featured Announcements

Featured Announcements are stories which have been flagged via one of Display on Home or Special flags. This list can be viewed at: http://interagencystandingcommittee.org/admin/structure/nodequeue

  • Nodequeues currently have a max limit of 10 nodes.

How it works:

1. A user can select the flag on the node edit form for Announcements.
2. Flagging the node will result in the node getting appended to the relevant nodequeue
3. Unflagging the node will result in the removal of the node from the relevant nodequeue
4. If a user adds to the nodequeue directly via the nodequeue admin screen, the node will receive the Featured flag (similar applied for direct removal from the nodequeue).

At this time only the flag Display on Home is in use on the home page.