Case Study: Document Discussion

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A new document is in the draft stage and needs to be discussed on-line while it is in the review phase. The following steps need to be completed in order to set up the new discussion for the document. In order to complete these steps, you will need to have permission to create and edit discussion nodes in the relevant Space and Section.

Discussion Details

  1. Navigate to the section where you would like to add a new discussion. If there is not a Section for Discussion in the relevant Space, you will need to add one first. This can be done at:
  2. From the Discussion Section page in the relevant Space, click the button "Add a discussion". If this button is not present, you can create a new discussion by navigating directly to the relevant form:
  3. Enter a title, and a terse description of what you would like people to focus their comments on for this particular discussion.
  4. Include a reference to the document you want people to discuss. This could be a document which has already been uploaded (provide a link), or you may choose to attach the document you want people to discuss directly to this discussion. If you wish to track versions of the document as it progresses from a private, to a public document, it is more appropriate to create a document node and link to it. If it is not important to track the document as it goes through the review process, it is more appropriate to attach it to the discussion. This can be done by locating the heading "Attach media" and clicking on the button "Browse" below this heading. A pop-up window will open. Locate the appropriate document from your computer and select it for upload.

When you have reviewed the details, you may click "Publish" to create the discussion, or "Save" to update the details for the discussion. If the discussion is private, you should proceed to the section "Access Details" to confirm these settings before publishing the discussion.

Access Details

Confirm the access controls are correctly set.

  1. Locate the fieldset "Access" and click the link to open the settings.
  2. Confirm the right Space has been selected ("Your groups").
  3. Confirm the access control is appropriate: "Open Atrium Section" should be set to one of: Discussion (Public), Discussion (Donor), Discussion, (IASC), or another group as-is appropriate.

Once you have confirmed the privacy settings, you may click "Publish" to create the discussion, or "Save" to update the details for the discussion.

Notifying People About a Discussion

Once the discussion has been created, people who you would like to include in the discussion need to be notified. This is not completed through the website at this time.

To add comments, a person will need to create a personal account so that their name is associated with the comment. If they do not have an account yet you have several options:

  1. Ask an administrator to create an account for the person (you will need to supply the person's name, as well as their email account).
  2. Have the person log in using their group account, and then convert it to a personal account once they are logged in.