Case Study: New Meeting

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A new meeting is being hosted to discuss a number of different documents. The following steps need to be completed in order to set up the new meeting. In order to complete these steps, you will need to have permission to create and edit meeting nodes in the relevant Space.

Meeting Details

  1. Navigate to the section where you would like to add a new meeting. Click the button "Add a meeting". If this button is not present, you can create a new meeting by navigating directly to the relevant form:
  2. Locate and update the fields for: Timezone, Event Date and Time. These are located in the right sidebar in the editing screen. The Timezone is a required field and must be completed.
  3. Optionally enter any Private Details for this meeting. Details in this field will be restricted according to the access control (see below).
  4. Optionally enter the location information: City, Venue, Room.
  5. Optionally enter the Host (organisation) and Contacts (people).

Access Details

  1. On the Meeting editing screen, locate the fieldset labeled "Access". Click on the link to open the fieldset.
  2. Under the heading "Authoring Bodies", update the field "Your groups" to match the Space where you want the meeting to appear. (For example: IASC Transformative Agenda; or Principals) This should already be set if you navigated to the section where you wanted to create the meeting.
  3. To set the privacy level for this meeting, locate the field "Section", and change the dropdown menu to one of: Meetings (Public), Meetings (IASC), or Meetings (Donor). If these sections are not available, they have not been created yet for your Space. This will need to be completed first. 

Meeting-Related Attachments

  1. Agenda needs to be added to the meeting (there are two ways this can be done: agenda items within the node that reference other nodes; and by uploading a .doc which people can print out and bring with them).
  2. Documents that will be discussed need to be collected, and uploaded.

Notifying People About a Meeting

In addition to this, people attending the meeting need to be notified of the meeting. This is not completed through the website at this time.

  1. Appropriate people need to be invited to the meeting (this is not done through the website).
  2. If the meeting is private, instructions on how to login using the group accounts need to be sent out with the invitation.