Entities Associated with the IASC
The Entities Associated with the IASC facilitate collective action and support operational leadership in three key areas:
- shared learning
- operational coordination, and
- thematic issues requiring dedicated attention.
They assist country leadership in operationalizing IASC policy, guidance and tools.
Entities Associated with the IASC work independently setting their own workplans. The formal IASC structures may task them with specific timebound assignments. They may also review policies or guidance developed by other inter-agency bodies.
Entities Associated with the IASC are co-chaired by IASC members with the relevant technical expertise. The lead organizations provide secretarial support. Entities consist of IASC representatives and other key stakeholders who bring substantive technical knowledge. They encourage participation from local and national NGOs.
Entities submit bi-annual progress reports to the IASC secretariat. They may use the IASC logo for official communication. They may submit products to the IASC for endorsement. The IASC periodically reviews their association.
Currently, the entities associated with the IASC are:
IASC Reference Group on Gender and Humanitarian ActionSince December 2006, the IASC Reference Group on Gender and Humanitarian Action has supported the integration of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the humanitarian action system.
IASC Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency SettingsThe IASC MHPSS Reference Group was established in December 2007. Its main task is to support and advocate for the implementation of the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings.
Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluations Steering GroupAn Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation (IAHE) is an independent assessment of results of the collective humanitarian response by member organizations of the IASC.
Global Cluster Coordination GroupThe purpose of the GCCG is to support the strengthening of the country-level cluster and inter-cluster coordination with the overall aim of improving the quality of humanitarian response.
Humanitarian Programme Cycle Steering GroupThe humanitarian programme cycle (HPC) is a coordinated series of actions undertaken to help prepare for, manage and deliver humanitarian response.
Global Cash Advisory GroupSupports country level cash coordination technically and in terms of capacity with the overall aim of improving the quality and effectiveness of cash coordination in support of improved cash programming. The CAG supports the: (1) Establishment of key frameworks and guidelines; (2) Local leadership and capacity building initiatives; (3) Development of Guidance on Multi-purpose cash and Cash and Voucher assistance; (4) Collaboration with donors and resourcing strategy.
Community of Practice on Counter-Terrorism (COTER) and Bureaucratic and Administrative Impediments (BAI)Facilitates a collective approach to barriers impeding humanitarian access. Advocates for mitigations to the unintended consequences of counter-terrorism legislation and sanctions. Provides technical guidance facilitating
humanitarian access as required. Provides a platform for collective learning. -
Reference Group on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian ActionEstablished to advocate for and facilitate collective action on operationalizing the IASC ‘Disability’ Guidelines. Has built the capacity of local organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs). In 2025, will serve as a bridge between OPDs and humanitarian responders. Will promote disability-inclusive responses including the dissemination and implementation of guidance. Will hold the humanitarian system accountable for truly disability-inclusive responses.