Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates - May 2022

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The Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates
Latest news from the Grand Bargain | May 2022
Dear Grand Bargain Signatories,

We are pleased to share with you the final newsletter before the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2022. Below you will find brief updates from the Facilitation Group and EP's office Sherpa level retreat in May, preparations for the upcoming meeting with the workstream Co-convenors and caucus champions, and important updates from the Signatories on their individual implementation of the commitments. 

We look forward to meeting you at the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2022. You can find some more information here, and we will share the agenda in early June 2022. 

We wish you pleasant reading,
The Grand Bargain Secretariat 
Letter from EP Jan Egeland
In April 2022, EP Jan Egeland shared a letter with the Grand Bargain Signatories, outlining some of the next steps and priorities, and calling on the Signatories to continue implementing the commitments that we have signed up for – to make aid as local as possible, to improve the quality of the funding we provide or pass through, to develop better partnerships, to simplify and harmonise, to put people at the centre of our response.
>> Read the full letter here
Update from the Facilitation Group
The Grand Bargain Facilitation Group (FG) and EP Sherpas met on 11 May 2022 in Berlin to discuss strategic and substantial questions around medium- and long-term objectives, and to shape up the short-term plans based on a strategic work plan for the remaining 12 months, including the agenda and structure of the 2022 Annual Meeting. Particularly, with inputs by ODI at the retreat, the Sherpas discussed how to advance quality funding, localisation, and participation. Some of the planned outcomes will be presented at the Annual Meeting, which will also be an opportunity to agree on how we will achieve the outcomes, and what we need to achieve them.

NEAR has been working to launch the first National Reference Groups (NRGs) pilots in numerous country contexts. Announcements on these will be made closer to the Annual Meeting. Workstream two (More support and funding tools for local and national responders) has launched a new sub-group on country-level action that will support the NRGs, co-chaired by NEAR and IFRC.

The Facilitation Group and EP office will meet the workstream Co-convenors and caucus champions at the end of May 2022 (today), to exchange information on the achievements and planned next steps, in order to ensure that clear deliverables are identified and achieved by July 2023. Last but not least, the meeting should deliver concrete actions to strengthen synergies between the workstreams and both existing and upcoming caucuses until June 2023.

The Facilitation Group has also been working on the agenda for the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting, which will be shared with the Signatories in early June.

“The work is not over yet, everybody now needs to continue delivering on what has been agreed”

On the margins of the FG and EP Sherpa-level retreat in Berlin in May 2022, three FG representatives reflected on the achievements of the Grand Bargain so far – and what needs to be the done in the year to come. >> Click here to read the full article

Latest from the caucuses, workstreams, and other initiatives
Caucus on quality funding

Grand Bargain Caucus on Quality Funding: Work to date - April 2022 Update

The caucus is seeking commitments to increase the volume of multiyear flexible funding to frontline implementers – local, national and international NGOs – by June 2023. Current discussion is focused on challenges donors and UN face in providing and/or receiving more multi-year flexible funding, how to overcome them. >> Click here for the April update

Repository - evidence base on quality funding

This is a repository of case studies produced so far by the Grand Bargain Signatories, demonstrating the value of quality funding. >> Click here for the studies

Latest from the Signatories

Grand Bargain Self-Reports 2021 - 2022

This year, 97% Signatories reported by the deadline for 2021 (62 out of 64 Signatories), which importantly demonstrates your commitment and engagement. The analysis of the findings from the self-reports will be published in the Annual Independent Report. The self-reporting exercise provides accountability towards the wider humanitarian community, beneficiaries and other stakeholders. It is also used as a starting point for the analysis provided by an independent annual report. >> Click here for the reports


WHO Strategy for localization - April 2022 Update

Following the inception note on the WHO strategy for implementing localization at the field level in August 2021, WHO published an update and key messages on why localization is important in health emergency response. >> Click here to read the full report


Joint NGO Statement on Cash Coordination in the Ukraine Crisis Response

Sixteen NGOs, fifteen of which are Grand Bargain Signatories, signed a Joint Statement, in which they welcome and support the outcomes and recommendations of the recent Grand Bargain Cash Coordination Caucus endorsing a model for the accountable, predictable, effective, and efficient coordination of cash assistance. They are hopeful that this decision will help solve the longstanding operational issues which the caucus sought to address and are eager to see the model tested in field humanitarian operations..  >> Click here to read more


A4EP Annual Member Survey 2021

A4EP carried out a survey with its members to find out the status of localisation commitments in the context where they work and from their organisational perspective. This information will inform the annual report to the Grand Bargain secretariat and help A4EP to identify the barriers and solutions going forward. It also assists in identifying the focus of A4EP advocacy campaign and engagement with the Grand Bargain signatories and other stakeholders. >> Click here to read the full report