One-pager - Self-reporting revision process

Published Date

As agreed in the Grand Bargain 2023-2026 framework to revise the self-reporting mechanism, the Ambassadors with the support of the Secretariat will launch a process with the aim of having a revised mechanism by spring 2024. The objective is to have more transparency, more accurate and more comparable data. Development Initiatives (DI) will lead on the technical part of the consultative process and will focus on consulting smaller groups of Signatories. The consultation process will also remain open to all Signatories who want to input on specific indicators. 

The author of the Grand Bargain annual independent report will have an advisory role where relevant. The Ambassadors will be ensuring a steer of the process. The final proposal for the indicators and the self-reporting mechanism will be discussed by the Facilitation Group and the Ambassadors. The Grand Bargain Secretariat shared with the Signatories a one-pager outlining the purpose of the exercise, the roles and responsibilities, the timeline, and the indicators and reporting expected. 

Click here to read the one-pager on the process of the self-reporting revision