Documents of IASC Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings


IASC Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Programmes in Emergency Settings, 2017

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Published Date
This document provides guidance in the assessment, research, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) programmes in emergency settings. Although designed specifically for emergency contexts (including protracted crises), the framework may also be applicable for the transition phases from emergency to development (including disaster risk reduction initiatives).

IASC Inter-Agency Referral Guidance Note for Mental Health and Pyschosocial Support in Emergency Settings, 2017

Document Type
Product Category
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Published Date
A referral is the process of directing a client to another service provider because s/he requires help that is beyond the expertise or scope of work of the current service provider. A referral can be made to a variety of services, for example health, psychosocial activities, protection services, nutrition, education, shelter, material or financial assistance, physical rehabilitation, community centre and/ or a social service agency.