Documents of IASC Task Team on Accountability to Affected Populations and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (AAP/PSEA)


PSEA-focused Task Team Meeting Presentation, 2018

Document Type
Other Product
Product Category
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Published Date
This presentation was shown at the IASC Task Team on Accountability to Affected Populations and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (AAP/PSEA) Meeting on 30th August 2018.It follows the agenda:Aim of Meeting (TT Coordinator)Update on UN Protocol on SEA Allegations Involving Implementing Partners (UNICEF)Update on Uniform Protocol on the Provision of Assistance to Victims of SEA (UNICEF)Update on Uniform Policy on Balancing Disclosure of Information and Principles of Confidentiality (OHCHR)AOB