News of IASC Task Team on Accountability to Affected Populations and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (AAP/PSEA)


New: French, Russian and Spanish Translations of the IASC Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Implementing Partner Assessment Tool

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The Assessment consists of the following five components: 1) a partner self-assessment; 2) UN review and preliminary determination of partner capacity; 3) documented decision including capacity-strengthening implementation plan; 4)  appropriate monitoring and support activities; and 5) and final determination of partner capacity. To avoid multiple assessments, common partners only need to be assessed by one UN entity, and it is anticipated that the tool will be shared through the 
Checklist to Protect from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse during COVID-19 cover

Checklist to Protect from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse during COVID-19

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This checklist is to accompany the full Interim Technical Note on Protection form Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) during COVIID-19 Response. The authoring bodies are: CHS Alliance, InterAction, IOM, Oxfam, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, OCHA, WFP, WHO, and the UN Victims’ Rights Advocate in consultation with other IASC members.

Results of collaboration/linkages between AAP and PSEA

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The Task Team meeting was used to discuss the critical linkages between AAP and PSEA.  Following a consultation process within the Task Team a final product was developed.  This can be adapted for use at organisational or collective level.

REACH and the IASC AAP PSEA Task Team present the Menu of AAP Questions for Needs Assessments

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This menu of AAP needs assessment questions provided by REACH and the IASC AAP PSEA Task Team was designed for multi-sector needs assessments (MSNAs) at the collective level for Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs). These questions will help HCTs understand how affected people wish to receive information, provide feedback and participate in decisions about the overall response.  They will also enable HCTs to develop a picture of how affected people feel about the response and the behaviour of aid workers and subsequently adapt the response and/or take appropriate action.

Task Team develops key messages for donors on PSEA

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During the PSEA-focused Task Team meeitng on 14 May 2018; task team members developed a key set of messages around PSEA for donors (attached).  A consultation process followed and a final version was agreed upon.  These messages were presented to approximately 20 Good Humanitarian Donorship (GHD) members on 5 June in Geneva.  

IFRC Blog: Do humanitarian agencies really NEED to be accountable to communities?

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Do humanitarian agencies really NEED to be accountable to communities?By Sharon Reader, Community Engagement and Accountability Senior Advisor with IFRC AfricaUnfortunately, the answer to this question is no, we don’t. As a community engagement and accountability advisor within a humanitarian agency, I can’t tell you how much this answer pains me.If I were to ask, “SHOULD humanitarian agencies be accountable to communities?” the answer would be an emphatic yes.

CDAC and the Task Team develop matrix of preferred AAP resources

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On 30 November 2017, members of the CDAC network and the IASC AAP/PSEA Task team came together in a workshop to review and consiolidate existing guidance, tools and case studies around AAP.  During the workshop, criteria were developed for reviewing a long-list of resources, all resources were reviewed and a short-list agreed on.  A consultation period followed.  The final result is a matrix of resources that can be used by practicioners at the organisational and collective levels.